LRTA Delivers a Busload of Food to Merrimack Valley Food Bank!

On Friday, April 24, 2020 the LRTA family, which includes First Transit Management of Lowell, Inc., delivered a busload of food, canned goods and supplies to our good friends at the Merrimack Valley Food Bank on Broadway St. in Lowell. LRTA employees collected more than 2,500 pounds of goods – as well as contributions from Market Basket – in a campaign that spanned several weeks.

On Friday, LRTA workers loaded up a 38-foot public transit bus at the agency’s Hale Street facility. Later, bus operator Thinh Luu drove it to MVFB where it was greeted by Food Bank Executive Director Amy Pessia and members of her staff. Next came the fun part: unloading the bus in a spirited joint operation of LRTA and MVFB workers and volunteers. The chain of delivery was formed and activated. MVFB members marveled at the endless number of boxes that kept on coming off the bus. In the end, we took a group photo – masks, gloves and all.

The LRTA is most thankful for the generous donations from its workers and outside contributors who made this campaign such a success. We also want to recognize the important work done by the MVFB to help feed those in need throughout the region.

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