Our Mission
To provide convenient, comfortable, safe, reliable, cost-effective mobility services contributing to the economic vitality of the region.
The Lowell Regional Transit Authority (LRTA) began operations in late 1976, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 161B of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Authority is given general responsibility to develop, finance, and contract for the operation of mass transportation facilities and services within its territory.
How We Are Funded
The LRTA is a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts funded by the Federal and State Government, local assessments, as well as generated income from farebox, parking and advertising revenues. Our Annual operating budget is $12 million dollars. The most recently audited contribution rate for all sources are as follows: Federal $25%, Commonwealth of Mass 30%, Local community assessments 24%, bus farebox 10% and generated income 11%. The city of Lowell and the Towns served by the LRTA buses pay an assessed amount, depending on the number of miles served in that city/town, annual increases are capped at 2 1/2% per year.
The LRTA receives Federal and State funding for capital projects and operating expense. These projects are planned in advance and outlined in the State’s Transportation Improvement project listing. Capital projects include: vehicle replacement, facility improvements, equipment purchase and preventive maintenance of vehicles. Most capital projects are funded according to the following contribution rate: Federal 80% and Commonwealth of Mass 20%. Operating expenses include items such as salaries, benefits, advertising and marketing, and are funded by Federal, State, and Local sources.
The day-to-day affairs of the Transit Authority are managed by the Administrator, David Bradley. This position is appointed by the LRTA Advisory Board. The LRTA Advisory Board includes members from each of the 14 communities in the LRTA’s service area.
Thomas Bomil, Chairman
Town of Dracut
Philip Shea, Vice Chairman
City of Lowell
Mike Gowing, Treasurer
Town of Acton
Andrew Jennings
Town of Billerica
Carol Grueneich
Town of Carlisle
George Dixon
Town of Chelmsford
David Tully
Town of Dunstable
Nicole Sarvela
Town of Groton
Gregory Johnson
Town of Maynard
Susan McCarthy, Clerk
Town of Pepperell
Mark Kratman
Town of Tewksbury
Donna Howard
Town of Townsend
Karyn Puleo
Town of Tyngsborough
Bob Rafferty
Town of Westford
David Ellingson
ADA Member Representing Lowell
Franny Osman
Rider Representative – Acton