Key Accessibility Policies

Key Accessibility Policies

Reasonable Requests for Assistance

The Lowell Regional Transit Authority will honor all reasonable requests for assistance. Examples of such requests include (but are not limited to):

  • Kneeling the vehicle / deploying a ramp to board or exit the bus
  • Providing verbal assistance to navigate current / future locations
  • Providing assistance in finding an open seat
  • Purchasing tickets or passes at fare boxes / fare vending machines


Use of Accessibility Equipment

Every customer, regardless of disclosed disability status, has the right to access the accessibility equipment on LRTA property and vehicles. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Elevators
  • Ramps / Vehicle Lifts


Service Animals

Customers who utilize the assistance of a certified service animal are welcome in all LRTA vehicles and on LRTA property during all operating hours. Customers must be in control of service animals at all times. Animals are not permitted to sit on any LRTA seats / furniture during their stay.


Priority Seating

All LRTA vehicles are equipped with priority seating areas for seniors and individuals with disabilities. LRTA staff have been trained to assist customers in finding a priority seat upon request. If all priority seating is already occupied by other customers, staff must ask those customers to move.

*NOTE: If a customer is stationed in a priority seating location and is unwilling to move upon request, they cannot be forced to do so. If there are no priority seating options available, the driver will assist the requesting customer in finding another open seat or will inform the customer about the arrival time of the next bus.


Respect for Customer Privacy

LRTA employees will never ask about the nature of your disability. People with non-apparent disabilities are not obligated to disclose any information about their disability to access the accessibility features of the system.


Requests for Information in Alternative Formats

All publicly published LRTA materials are available in alternative formats upon request. Please submit any requests via the information page listed here.

Every effort is made to ensure that files posted to the LRTA website are produced in an accessible format. Some of these documents are uploaded via Adobe Acrobat, a file conversion software for PDFs which is available to be downloaded for free.

If you are unable to successfully access the information contained within a posted document as a result of its format, please contact the Customer Service team to assist you with resolving the issue. To assist us in responding in the fastest and most helpful way, please include the details regarding your accessibility concern, the format which you would find most helpful to receive the material, the web address (URL) of the material you are requesting, and the best way to contact you.

*NOTE: Response times may vary due to the nature, size, and complexity of the document(s) requested.


Requests for Reasonable Modification

If you feel you require a reasonable modification to access LRTA property / services, you may submit a request by calling the LRTA Fixed Route Bus Service at (978) 452 – 6161, who will direct your call as needed, or submit a request online via our Customer Service email. Please be as specific as possible about your concern and request so that our staff can resolve your issue as quickly as possible.

*NOTE: The LRTA may not be able to accommodate requests that would require alterations to the fundamental nature of the services provided by the LRTA, would cause undue financial hardship, or if it directly interferes with the health and safety of others. Some staff members are required to make decisions in a short time frame and may have to use their training and best judgement to determine the safety of a situation. If a requested modification cannot be granted, but a barrier to equitable access is still present, the LRTA will do its best to provide alternative access options for the programs and services affect


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